So the garage was full of clutter, dust and not very well organised...
I decided to cover the concrete flooring with a plastic tile covering, and after doing various research I ended up going for a product from the USA called 'race deck. It was supplied in boxes from a UK company who are the importer, and it went down really easy. Video of the install below:-
So now the flooring was ready I had to organise some other bits to keep me sane whilst I build the car...
First things first. Wifi.
Got a cheap ethernet over power to extend the LAN range to the garage, then plugged in an Apple Airport Express and configured it... Viola - garage wifi with an output so I can airplay all my music too.
Apple Airport Express |
Next step, speakers.
Decided to get a cheap set from amazon, the Logitech Z506. Really good price, good quality sound for the price, and perfect for the job.
Logitech Z506 Surround Sound Speakers
Also got some tools and equipment that I think are pretty noteworthy:-
1. OMP Workshop / Mechanics Overalls from demon tweeks.
Great fit, has knee pads, look cool, plenty of pockets and hooks to hang tools and so on from.
OMP Workshop / Mechanics Overalls |
2. Folding Car Creeper from Machine Mart - the Clarke CMC-50 2-in-1.
The name says it all, but it has two uses. First it is a conventional car creeper, and secondly it folds into a seat with wheels and a tool storage area - perfect!
Car Creeper |
In it's mechanics seat form
A quick video of the car creeper:-
3. Tool Cabinet on a special priced deal from Halfords.
Halfords Industrial Tool Cabinet |
So that's about it for now, so it's just a case of researching other builders blogs, sorting out any last final bits and bobs, and generally twiddling my thumbs for the next 3 weeks until it arrives...