Saturday, 1 April 2017

Castle Combe Test Day

So yesterday was the first 'on track' official Caterham Academy event of 2017.   

Without wanting to go into too much of the 'boring' details, we arrived the day before, camped out overnight, signed on at 8am, had the briefing around 8:45 and were split into four groups with each group getting a fifteen minute on track session.

We all had to have our decals fitted, along with our sprint race numbers (which are different to our race numbers) and had to line up in sprint number order before heading out onto the track.  I was in the pink group, with our first session at 9:15
Lining up in sprint number order - waiting for lights to go green
Lining up in sprint number order - waiting for lights to go green
Just before 9:15 the silver group came in, the track was clear and the pink group were out... Time to get on track and start pushing...  Jon from is the official photographer for the season, and he managed to get this pic whilst I was on three wheels!
On Three Wheels at Castle Combe Test Day
On Three Wheels at Castle Combe Test Day
Here's an onboard video of one of my fast(er) laps...  However, I was a little 'cheeky' with the track limits at Bobbies corner...

There was another lap where I wasn't as cheeky with the track limits, and was up on the above time, but got held up at camp corner and had to lift, so lost the overall lap time.

It was all in all, a thoroughly enjoyable day for a number of reasons:-

  • Great to see (and meet some of) the other competitors 
  • Superb to get on track with all Academy cars and drivers
  • Great weather
  • Hospitality and organisation great too
I've been pushing it for some time in terms of my 'Academy commitments' so will hit the gym for a few weeks and give the car a spanner check etc etc.  

Next up, is will be a track day at Snetterton on Good Friday - the 14th April - hope to see some of you there ☺

1 comment:

  1. Loving the lean angle on that track shot! Do you have to shout 'Port' and 'Starboard' each time you take a bend ?! Keep peddling :-)


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