Friday, 2 February 2018

41st Birthday Today - Bespoke Caterham Cake

Unfortunately! It's my 41st Birthday today... Fortunately, one of the guys at my work knows someone who makes bespoke cakes (Karen James), and all the guys at work chipped in and got her to make me this amazing Caterham Birthday Cake as a surprise! 

I'm blown away with the detail and accuracy she achieved with just a few pictures, and clearly a lot of talent!  She can make pretty much anything you like, and if you want your own bespoke Caterham cake or something else you can contact her on her mobile 07884 380495 or by emailing her at for a quote.
41 today, and delighted with my very own bespoke Caterham Roadsport Birthday Cake
41 today, and delighted with my very own bespoke Caterham Roadsport Birthday Cake
Here's some close up pics.  Front view:-
Extremely realistic cake version of my 2017 Caterham Academy Car
Extremely realistic cake version of my 2017 Caterham Academy Car
Side View:-
Side view of my Caterham Birthday Cake
Side view of my Caterham Birthday Cake
Rear View:-
Rear View of my Caterham Birthday Cake
Rear View of my Caterham Birthday Cake
I'm not too sure what to do with it, as there's no way I could damage such a masterpiece by cutting it!  I think it'll have to live in my garage ☺

2018 Roadsport Entry
As added birthday bonus, it turns out that our driver profiles have been updated today on the Caterham website to confirm our status as '2018 roadsport drivers' with all of the participants of this years season.  link here:-

This also means that there are now 56 new names on the Caterham Academy drivers profiles, all of which will be battling out for the title of 2018 Caterham Academy Champion (green and white group).  Having been through the amazing experience, I wish all of this years competitors the best of luck and will look forward to meeting the new faces and personalities in the paddock this year.

2018 Roadsport Driver Number 77
Also confirmed is my new driver number of 77 - as I've swapped from 30 (from my Academy season) to 77.  Why?  Well I was born in 1977 (hence being 41 today!), and also for Caterham Seven (but 7 isn't allowed, so the next best was 77), and Seven is considered a lucky number, so I hope to have double helpings of luck this year ☺


  1. Good luck for 2018 Roadsport season,Daniel.77 should be lucky!Keep the vids coming ,and hope I can learn something from watching them.


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