Wednesday, 3 September 2014

How it's made video

I've not been out in the car for a while or blogging about it, as I've been super busy with work - yawn.  Might try and get out for a blast tomorrow night to blow the cobwebs out of the engine and hopefully some stress levels at the same time!

The link to this video (below) got emailed to me today, which is a youtube video from the program on the discovery channel called 'how it's made'...

In this episode the how it's made team are at the Caterham factory covering quite a lot of the factory build processes and some interesting insights into the chassis (and pre kit delivery) build stages too.

I recognise some of the cars in the video too, the white 620R with black stripes is... I'm pretty sure Mr. S Wright's car - the owner who's seats were delivered to me, and also the engine being dropped into the blue 620R is Mr. M Weatherby's too...

Anyway, I fully enjoyed the video - I hope you do too.

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