Thursday, 18 September 2014

The Seven comes before the Six (plus)

After my last mildy ranting post a week ago, I had a call from Dean (Francis) at Caterham Midlands first thing on Monday morning.  Wether this was prompted by my post or not I don't know - but he said he was off the week prior.  Dean was apologetic that no-one had been in contact with me about the status of my warranty repair, mentioned he was extremely short staffed as Tom has left and Simon is on Paternity leave too... Anyway to cut a long story short he said the gearbox was fixed.

The issue was what I expected - there is a washer/gasket where the prop shaft spline connects into the  rear of the gearbox and there was a slight issue with this part which led to the fluid weeping out the back of the gearbox.  Apparently there can be a number of reasons this part has this problem, but in most cases it's linked back to a manufacturing defect according to Dean.

I thought it'd be an engine out job as it's extremely difficult to get the propshaft out due to the prop shaft guard, but Dean said they take the diff and propshaft out and got access to the rear of the gearbox from the rear.

The part has been replaced, the car was taken for a reasonable test drive and then was left stationary over the weekend to see if any fluid was weeping (again) out of the back of the box... No fluid now present, the box was totally dry.

So Dean suggested I could get the car back on Wednesday (yesterday) which was much earlier than expected.
Keith from Caterham delivering my car back post gearbox fluid weep fix.
Keith from Caterham delivering my car back post gearbox fluid weep fix.
Keith delivered the car around 11am - I took the car to work and went the long way home... Was a great blat back, and when I home I double checked the gearbox for any fluid or weeping and it's bone dry - so hopefully that won't crop up again in the future.
Propshaft in gearbox with no leaking fluids.
Propshaft in gearbox with no leaking fluids.
Whilst I was on holiday way back in July, I was trying to get a set of driving glasses that were ballistic rated and had a strap on them.  I ordered a pair of Dixon's but they just didn't suit me, and although there were other styles that may have suited me I had a brainwave about a pair of Oakley Jawbones I used to use from my Mountain Biking days...  They were ballistic rated, fit really well, and I also had a number of different lenses for them too - the only problem was they didn't have the strap to hold them in place and were white too!

So a quick check on Oakley's site showed they've renamed the Oakley Jawbones (some issue with a bluetooth company's trade mark or something like that) to the Oakley Racing Jackets.  The good thing is the lenses swap over and the Racing Jackets have a rear strap too.  I spent a while conjuring up a colour combination that I thought would suit, so I went with full black frames, blue lenses and orange o's on the side.  I also got one of the lenses etched with 'Caterham R500' which looks quite cool too.  The only negative was the delivery time... It was quoted on the Oakley website as a 10-14 working day delivery, and I ordered them on 30th July.  They finally arrived some seven weeks later...  Anyway I really like them - picture below.
My new blatting glasses - custom Oakley Racing Jackets
My new blatting glasses - custom Oakley Racing Jackets
How does the title of this post mean anything?  Well I ordered an iPhone 6 plus last week, and one of my friends asked whether or not I thought I'd get the iPhone before the Caterham back - and I wasn't too sure....  Well the Seven did come before the 6 and I'm very happy about that.  In the meantime I printed out some templates of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus to see how large they are and to ensure I wasn't getting a phone too big in the 6 plus.  The only place where the 6 plus is too big is the 'phone holder' in front of the gear lever.
iPhone 6 fits just perfect in Caterham transmission tunnel top.
iPhone 6 fits just perfect in Caterham transmission tunnel top.
 The iPhone 6 fits fine, but the 6 plus is just a touch too big...
Whereas the iPhone 6 plus is just a bit too big.
Whereas the iPhone 6 plus is just a bit too big.
So for those of you that are thinking of ordering an iPhone6 and wanted to know which one will fit into the tunnel cover are (if you're an Apple person that is) at least you now know - but I'm still sticking with the 6 plus.  I'm sure that's a weight off everyone's mind! :o)

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