Saturday, 7 June 2014

Two Months and Two Weeks Later

Caterham collected my 99% completed car way back in March - the 24th to be exact.  A long story with a number of very low points, followed by a gradually ramped up performance of good news and updates later... It's arrived..!

Dean personally turned up about 4pm today to deliver my car with one of the vans he collected from the Silverstone location earlier today.  Some pics:
My Caterham R500 on the delivery van ready for unloading
My Caterham R500 on the delivery van ready for unloading..!
Side view of the R500 on the transporter
Side view of the R500 on the transporter 
Dean talking me through some bits
Dean talking me through some bits
Dean probably feeling the same as me right now... "I never thought this day would happen"
Dean probably feeling the same as me right now... "I never thought this day would happen"
The first drive - not worth videoing as it was over in about 18 yards.
The first drive - not worth videoing as it was over in about 18 yards.
Here's a quick time lapse video of the unloading and very first drive:

The R500 engine bay with carbon air box and carbon rocker cover.
The R500 engine bay with carbon air box and carbon rocker cover.
The 620R seats and harnesses - they really look amazing.
The 620R seats and harnesses - they really look amazing.
I'll be spending a lot of time in here
I'll be spending a lot of time in here
I decided to crack on with a few changes before I took it out.  First was to put the front number plate on.  Second was to remove the carbon track day air box and to fit the piper cross air filter.  I also put some foam strip on the body panels to protect where the bonnet sits.  Third was to put the carbon tax disc holder in place, but I couldn't be bothered to waste any unnecessary time so slung it in the boot... for now, and went for my first blat..!
R500 carbon fibre track day air box with k&n air filter.
R500 carbon fibre track day air box with k&n air filter.
R500 with piper cross air filter
R500 with piper cross air filter
So as I write this blog it's about 1:25am and I've been out in it all evening.  Went for a few bevvies at a friends house afterwards, and even now I'm still buzzing.  A lot of the positive guys on blatchat have always said the experience is worth waiting for, and genuinely, it is.

Why it's taken me so long to get a Caterham (no pun intended) really beats me - it's amazing to drive, handling superb, power brilliant (I'm only running it in right now) brakes amazing, and what really surprised me is the reception the general public give you - lots of looks, smiles, waves and plenty of nod's of appreciation.

First drive videos and so on to follow.
Well impressed.


  1. Looks great Daniel, so glad you now finally have it home! I hope this changing weather does not put a stop to you enjoying some blats this weekend too! Enjoy!

    1. Cheers Nigel - was a great weekend... 100 miles on it already!

  2. And that's it, you've got the virus, no cure, symptoms never abate ...14 years later and I'm loving the sickness :-) Fill ya boots, looks like a nice week for it.


    1. Cheers Steve - I'm happily poisoned..! Some videos coming soon...


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