Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Bedford Autodrome South West Circuit Track Evening

Having had a fair few stressful days in the office, I was in desperate need of a 'release' and what better remedy than a few laps blasting around a track?!?

Matthew Larbey (silverback on blatchat) informed of a 'Track Evening' that was being run by Lotus on Track (LoT) at Bedford Autodrome.  There were only two places left, so after a brief email exchange with Paul (at LoT) this morning he confirmed they could fit me in and it was ok to attend.

So I had to pop home in my lunch break to change the air filter, exhausts, get my track day gear together and pick up the car... All in an hour!  It was tight, but I managed it.

The circuit being used was the South West Circuit, which is a configuration at Bedford I've not been on before, but I enjoyed it, as it was a bit more twisty than the GP configuration.

A couple of the videos from the evening are below.  As you'd expect from a Lotus event, there were a lot of Lotuses!  In the video below, there are fourteen overtakes, and mostly all of them are of Lotus Elise's.

Matthew Larbey has an R400 SV Duratec, and the video below is a bit of me following him, overtaking, putting half a hot lap in, then following and re-overtaking.

It was a good evening which was well run, and was the good release of adrenalin and stress that I needed.

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