Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Build Day Twenty Four - Front Cycle Wing and Indicator Prep

I really couldn't get going tonight, not sure why I wasn't in the mood but got a few bits done in preparation for bonding the cycle wings to the bighead fasteners I received this morning.

Leith from bighead fasteners believed a mention on my blog was worthy of some 'free sample' bigheads.  He kindly sent me eight 16mm x 15mm stainless steel cable tyrap fasteners, and two tubes of their FS adhesive.  Here's a link to the product selector on their site:

I tie wrapped the fasteners onto the cycle wing stays, and lined up the wing on top.
Bighead Cable tyrap fasteners cable tied onto cycle wing stay.
Bighead Cable tyrap fasteners cable tied onto cycle wing stay.
As I mentioned earlier on this post, my head wasn't really in gear, so I didn't want to bond the cycle wings into place tonight - I'll do that tomorrow when I'm concentrating, after all I don't want to get these wrong...

I decided to thread the indicator wires through the wing stay and out of the bottom hole.  This was really tricky, and the best 'tool' I could think to hook the wire out of the wing stay was a paperclip with the end bent over - worked really well actually.
Using a paperclip to pulled cable through bottom wing stay hole.
Using a paperclip to pulled cable through bottom wing stay hole.
I decided I wanted to earth the wing indicator to the chassis rather than on the wing stay, so I threaded through the earth cable first, then taped the green cable to the earth and pulled it through the hole.
Green cable taped to earth cable and pulled through wing stay.
Green cable taped to earth cable and pulled through wing stay. 
I then heat shrank the two cables and pushed the heat shrink into the wing stay.
Cables heat shrunk and pushed back into wing stay.
Cables heat shrunk and pushed back into wing stay.
And that was all I achieved this evening, hopefully I'll have my motivation back tomorrow night. I'm intending on bonding the wings to the fasteners and sorting out any odd jobs I can.  I'll also do whatever prep I can to ensure the decal guys don't have any problems applying the new decals and stone chip protection film on friday.

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