Another slow day, again spending miles more time sorting through boxes and bags trying to find the right bits.
I checked with Derek at CC this morning regarding the installation of the handbrake, and his suggestion was to use to top of the two front handbrake mounting holes, use the top connector on the switch and to ensure the handbrake cable was twisted as this stops the handbrake cable rubbing on the edges of the tunnel.
Handbrake switch, note connection block plugged into top switch connector. |
Handbrake in place mounted through top front mounting hole and handbrake cable twisted as per Derek's instructions. |
Prop shaft placed in tunnel prior to diff installation as per instructions. |
Diff on jack prior to final positioning. |
Removed the fuel tank so filling of the diff should be easier. It also happens that the fuel pump is still on back order (with no ETA right now!) so I assume having the tank out will make fitting the pump a touch easier. |
LSD top view prior to installation. |
View of handbrake arrangement now diff has been lifted into place. I'm pretty sure the cable on the left isn't right how it is, so will check with Derek in the morning. |
I have checked the handbrake cable arrangement (as per pic above this morning) and this is in fact correct.
Handbrake locator in place on the diff as per the instructions. |
The diff needs to be aligned tomorrow, but I wanted to check the handbrake cable location prior to fiddling around with the alignment of the diff, only to have to change it again (if the handbrake cable needs moving again)
Had a look through some other boxes to try and find things that I could do quickly tonight, and I checked out in detail the track day roll bar... Turns out I've got
another item from a different customer, but this is the worst so far... It looks like the other customer has returned this - as you can see from the tape on the second and third pics, it looks to have been returned as damaged due to marks on the top bar in the powder coat. Seriously Caterham........
Customers name and order number... I think? |
First tape from previous customer pointing to the mark on the powder coating. |
Tape on other side of roll bar - surely this is outside of the already long in the tooth "it's all part of the experience statement" |
And as I was on on the underneath of the car I spotted this hole in the chassis / bodywork. This slap dash approach to customer service / quality control is really beginning to get on my goat.
Visible hole in chassis - surely this isn't right? |
That is truly shocking Customer Service. That tub should be renewed and as for a second / third hand roll bar, no thanks. Y build was 2001 and to be fair I had very few issues and certainly no damage. Clearly their standards have dropped, what a shame.
ReplyDeleteMarcassus is one of the french caterham dealers
ReplyDeleteMay well be the case but doesn't excuse damaged coating at the price of these kits nowadays.
DeleteYou're dead right. I've built a lot of remote controlled cars in my days... At 1/10th scale, they're well under 1/10th or even 1/100th the cost, the instructions are far superior and the QC is in a different league. It really should be much better from Caterham, surely they understand this?