Sunday, 2 February 2014

The day before the arrival

Well today is my 37th Birthday.  Last night we had some friends over for a steak dinner and a couple of games of poker.  What the evening turned into was a beer, jaeger bomb and red wine fuelled bonanza and this morning I was feeling a touch worse for wear.

It's all been about 7's today... 37 years old... a Caterham 7 (well that's tomorrow), and there was alot of Caterham 7 prezzies. Here's some of them:
A huge amount of presents - all wrapped in a bespoke Caterham wrapping paper, note the 'Man Bowl'
A huge amount of presents - all wrapped in a bespoke Caterham wrapping paper, note the 'Man Bowl'

A close up of the Caterham wrapping paper
A close up of the Caterham wrapping paper

A Caterham cushion!
A Caterham cushion

Tiger Grip Orange Nitrile gloves

Caterham Embroidered Fleece - Note... MASSIVE hangover!
Caterham Embroidered Fleece - Note... MASSIVE hangover!
Really good quality embroidery, and colours are spot on!
Really good quality embroidery, and colours are spot on!

Archie (my nephew aged 7) rendition of me in my car!
Archie's (my nephew aged 7) rendition of me in my car! 

My girlfriend knows me too well - I'm hoping the build isn't going to follow this sticker
I'm not too sure what my girlfriend was suggesting with this sticker!
A Porsche 911 bottle opener - cool or what?
A Porsche 911 bottle opener - cool or what?
F1 Car Cufflinks - a must for any car enthusiast
F1 Car Cufflinks - a must for any car enthusiast

What on earth is a kit car survival box that comes in two parts?
What on earth is a kit car survival box that comes in two parts?

A selection of chomps, fudge's and curly wurly's for that extra motivational energy boost

Box 2 of the kit car survival pack is...?
Box 2 of the kit car survival pack is...?

More sugar! Maoam's galore!
More sugar! Maoam's galore!

Dremel 8200 - perfect for minor fettling and 'adjustments'
Dremel 8200 - perfect for minor fettling and 'adjustments'

Dremel Multi-Vice
Dremel Multi-Vice
So all in all it was a great birthday and my hangover has finally gone.  Watched the first episode of the new series of top gear which was pretty dull.  Looking forward to tomorrow - what the day entails I really have no idea, but it still doesn't seem real right now......

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