Thursday, 6 February 2014

Build Day Three - Front Uprights and Cycle Wing Holders

After some careful consideration (aka an email to Derek at Caterham) - he said that the R500 suspension goes in upside down, so I changed this to right way up, which seems to be the wrong way...

The wrong way is the right way when it comes to the R500 shocks
The wrong way is the right way when it comes to the R500 shocks
The first upright and cycle wing holder in place, the other side was so much quicker.
The first upright and cycle wing holder in place, the other side was so much quicker.
Not too sure I'm using the right nut here, but will check with Derek tomorrow..
Not too sure I'm using the right nut here, but will check with Derek tomorrow..
So long as Derek gives me the all clear on the nut I'm using in the picture above, the front end is really coming along nicely.  Very satisfying to see such dramatic changes to the build over the course of literally a few days.  I was surprised at the lack of washers required (none according to the build manual) on the front uprights...  Will double check that too, as the manual doesn't cater for the R500 I find myself second guessing everything I do.

A friend (Steve) popped over for a bit, and we had a fiddle around with the headlights and indicator wiring but after spending some time some time putting the first one together, I think I'd rather make sure it's all heat shrinked properly, so will pop to maplin tomorrow lunchtime to get some heat shrink so I can do these properly.  I'll put some pics up about this, as there are quite a lot of people saying it's quite fiddly, but from what we done tonight it didn't seem too erroneous... I guess I'll find out tomorrow for definite!

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