Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Build Day Nine - Preparing for Prop Shaft Guard, Diff Alignment and Prop Shaft Connection

A productive evening.  I'd got everything in order last night, checked with Derek on some finer detail and pressed on.  The plan was to completely install and rivet the prop shaft guard into place, but drilling through the chassis tube with the Dremel blunted all my Dremel drills, so I'll have to buy a few more of those tomorrow to finish that part.

Top of prop shaft guard and chassis tube prepared for riveting tomorrow evening.
Top of prop shaft guard and chassis tube prepared for riveting tomorrow evening.
As the handbrake is installed it made access to the area where I had to drill rivet holes in the chassis tube a little tight, so i put the Dremel Flexi Shaft into good use and it worked perfectly.
As the handbrake is installed it made access to the area where I had to drill rivet holes in the chassis tube a little tight, so i put the Dremel Flexi Shaft into good use and it worked perfectly.
Diff in place and centralised.  I used two washers on the left struts and one on the right.  The alignment seemed perfect, and after Derek at CC said it doesn't need to be too accurate, I was satisfied with my work.  All bolts torqued to 60nm as specified.
Diff in place and centralised.  I used two washers on the left struts and one on the right.  The alignment seemed perfect, and after Derek at CC said it doesn't need to be too accurate, I was satisfied with my work.  All bolts torqued to 60nm as specified.
Driveshaft flanges removed from diff.
Driveshaft flanges removed from diff.
The view inside the diff.
The view inside the diff.
Propshaft attached to diff, but found it hard to torque the bolts to the specified 60nm, stuck a quick post on Blatchat, and got a reply, stick a long screwdriver in the UJ to lock it - can't believe I didn't think of that..!
Propshaft attached to diff, but found it hard to torque the bolts to the specified 60nm, stuck a quick post on Blatchat, and got a reply, stick a long screwdriver in the UJ to lock it - can't believe I didn't think of that..!
All in all I feel like I've achieved quite a lot tonight, so a satisfying evening.  Tomorrow evening I'll fill the diff  and try and get the De Dion tube and rear suspension on.


  1. Daniel, did you put loctite on the prop to diff bolts? Andrew


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